Our goal is to bring the workflows community together (users, developers, researchers, and facilities) to provide community resources and capabilities to enable scientists and workflow systems developers to discover software products, related efforts, events, technical reports, etc. and engage in community-wide efforts to tackle workflows grand challenges.

Workflows Community Summit 2024
Future Trends and Challenges in Scientific Workflows
September 3—5, 2024 — Virtual (via Zoom)

Upcoming Community Events


Nov 17, 2024

XLOOP 2024
Atlanta, GA, USA

Paper Submissions: Aug 19, 2024

Nov 18, 2024

WORKS 2024
Atlanta, GA, USA

Paper Submissions: Aug 08, 2024

Dec 15—Dec 18, 2024

IEEE BigData 2024
Washington DC, USA

Papers Submission: Sep 03, 2024

0 Open Positions from the Community
