Working Groups

Collaborative Initiatives in Workflow Research

Discover the ongoing projects and achievements of specialized working groups and task forces advancing workflow research, development, and real-world applications.

WfBG: Workflow Benchmarking Group

Define methodology to collect meaningful performance metrics; share exemplar workflows written in multiple workflow languages

  4 Members —  Establishing

FAIR Computational Workflows

Define FAIR principles for computational workflows that consider the complex lifecycle from specification to execution and data products

  15 Members —  Active

CWFR: Canonical Workflow Framework for Research

This group at the FAIR Digital Objects Forum is working on building a workflow framework that enables FAIR practices and provides reusable canonical components.



This group aims to identify workflow patterns capable of modeling large-scale scientific applications and implement the related Common Workflow Language enhancement proposals.


FONDA - Foundations of Workflows for Large-Scale Scientific Data Analysis

DFG Collaborative Research Center 1404 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany


RO-Crate community

This community group is evolving RO-Crate – a FAIR data packaging standard. Two monthly calls and Slack channel.


Workflow Run Crate working group

This working group is defining Workflow Run Crate – a profile of RO-Crate for capturing the provenance of an execution of a computational workflow. Bi-weekly calls and Slack channel.
