
Uniting the Workflows Ecosystem

A collaborative hub championing both established and emerging community-driven innovations in workflow technologies and methodologies.

Our Board of Directors


Rafael Ferreira da Silva

Executive Director

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Kyle Chard

Deputy Executive Director

University of Chicago

Rosa M. Badia

Director of Systems and Applications Performance

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Henri Casanova

Director of Education

University of Hawaii

Michael R. Crusoe

Director of APIs and Standards

Björn Enders

Director of Facilities Operations

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

Carole Goble

Director of FAIR Computational Workflows

University of Manchester

Lavanya Ramakrishnan

Director of Training and User Engagement

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Douglas Thain

Director of Distributed Computing Systems

University of Notre Dame

Our Board of Advisors

Steering Committee

Our Technical Experts

Technical Leads

Stian Soiland-Reyes

Technical and Community Advisor

University of Manchester

Sean R. Wilkinson

FAIR Computational Workflows

Oak Ridge National Laboratory