Workflows Community Summit 2021.4

Advancing the State-of-the-art of Scientific Workflows Management Systems Research and Development

Workflows Community Summit 2021.4

Wed - Apr 07, 2021
10am-1pm PDT / 1pm-4pm EDT / 19:00-22:00 CEST

The workflowsRI and ExaWorks projects held a very productive Workflows Community Summit in January. The focus was to identify broad challenges for the workflows community and to propose a vision for community activities to address these challenges.

While the first summit focused on Establishing a high level vision, this second summit will explore technical approaches for realizing (part of) that vision. Consequently, we hope to engage participants who are actively involved in workflow system development.

Based on the outcomes of the first summit, we have identified four technical topics for discussion (some align with a single theme of the first summit, while others are cross-cutting):

  1. Definition of common workflow patterns and benchmarks (both for determining workflow system functionality and for providing users with tutorial examples);
  2. Identifying paths toward interoperability of workflow systems; and
  3. Improving workflow systems' interface with legacy and emerging HPC software and hardware stacks

We thank all participants for their valuable contributions. The event report is available here: DOI


Time Topic
10-10:05am PDT
1:00-1:05pm EDT
19:00-19:05 CEST
Welcome and Introductions  
Rafael Ferreira da Silva (University of Southern California)
10:05-10:15am PDT
1:05-1:15pm EDT
19:05-19:15 CEST
Workflows Community Summit Report and Key Findings  
Henri Casanova (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
10:15-10:30am PDT
1:15-1:30pm EDT
19:15-19:30 CEST
Lightning talks
Theme 1: Definition of common workflow patterns and benchmarks  
Dan Laney (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Dorran Howell (Tweag I/O)
Theme 2: Identifying paths toward interoperability of workflow systems  
Ilkay Altintas (UC San Diego)
Stian Soiland-Reyes (The University of Manchester)
Theme 3: Improving workflow systems' interface with legacy and emerging HPC software and hardware stacks  
Douglas Thain (University of Notre Dame)
Rosa Filgueira (Heriot-Watt University)
10:30-10:35am PDT
1:30-1:35pm EDT
19:30-19:35 CEST
5min Break
(preparation for breakout sessions)
10:35-11:15am PDT
1:35-2:15pm EDT
19:35-20:15 CEST
Project Development Sessions
Theme 1: Definition of common workflow patterns and benchmarks
Theme 2: Identifying paths toward interoperability of workflow systems
Theme 3: Improving workflow systems' interface with legacy and emerging HPC software and hardware stacks
11:15-11:30am PDT
2:15-2:30pm EDT
20:15-20:30 CEST
15min Break
11:30-12:10pm PDT
2:30-3:10pm EDT
20:30-21:10 CEST
Project Roadmap Write Up Sessions
Theme 1: Definition of common workflow patterns and benchmarks
Theme 2: Identifying paths toward interoperability of workflow systems
Theme 3: Improving workflow systems' interface with legacy and emerging HPC software and hardware stacks
12:10-12:25am PDT
3:10-3:25pm EDT
21:10-21:25 CEST
15min Break
12:25-12:40pm PDT
3:25-3:40pm EDT
21:25-21:40 CEST
Reports: Project Roadmap Sessions
Dan Laney (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Dorran Howell (Tweag I/O)
Ilkay Altintas (UC San Diego)
Stian Soiland-Reyes (The University of Manchester)
Douglas Thain (University of Notre Dame)
Rosa Filgueira (Heriot-Watt University)
12:40-12:50pm PDT
3:40-3:50pm EDT
21:40-21:50 CEST
Final Remarks and Moving Forward  
Kyle Chard (University of Chicago)