The third Workflows Community Summit will explore workflows challenges and opportunities from the perspective of computing centers and facilities. The summit is the third in the series organized by the NSF workflowsRI and DOE ExaWorks projects, and builds on two prior workshops that 1) established a high level vision for workflows research; and 2) explored technical approaches for realizing that vision.
A summary of the previous workshops is available in two technical reports
and an invited paper
) at the WORKS workshop
describing the community roadmap.
The third workshop will bring together a small group of facilities representatives (one per facility) with the aim to understand how workflows are currently being used at each facility, how facilities would like to interact with workflow developers and users, how workflows fit with facility roadmaps, and what opportunities there are for tighter integration between facilities and workflows.
We thank all participants for their valuable contributions. The event
report is available here:
Time | Topic |
10-30:45am PST 1:30-1:45pm EST |
Welcome and Introductions
Rafael Ferreira da Silva (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
10:45-11:45am PST 1:45-2:45pm EST |
Facility Perspectives on Workflows
11:45-noon PST 2:45-3:00pm EST |
15min Break |
noon-12:10pm PST 3:00-3:10pm EST |
ExaWorks Introduction
Shantenu Jha (Brookhaven National Laboratory / Rutgers University) Kyle Chard (University of Chicago / Argonne National Laboratory) |
12:10-1:00pm PST 3:10-4:00pm EST |
Review Roadmap Developed by Workflows User and Developer Communities |