This is a list of events and talks related to FAIR Computational Workflows.
Events, presentations and activities are also available in WorkflowHub in the FAIR Computational Workflows Team
Related past and upcoming events:
- 2023-09-25/–27: Open Science Fair, 2023-09-25/–27, Madrid, Spain.
- Papers due 2023-04-17.
- 2023-05-29: 3rd Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science (DaMaLOS 2023)
- 2023-05-22: Galaxy Smörgåsbord 2023
- 2023-04-15/–16: The First Practically FAIR 2023 (PFAIR 2023) at ICPE 2023
- Line Pouchard: FAIR enabling reuse of data-intensive workflows and scientific reproducibility (keynote)
- 2023-03-21: Make your bioinformatics workflows findable and citable workshop by Australian BioCommons, [videos] [materials]
- Ove Johan Ragnar Gustafsson (2023): FAIR workflows
2023-02-21: FAIRPoints ‘Ask Me Anything’ webinar on Software & Workflows
- 2022-10-26/–28: 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects (FDO 2022), Leiden, The Netherlands
- 2022-05-13: FAIR Computational Workflows, SERC Swedish e-Science Research Center Annual Meeting
- 2022-06-14/–16: Dataverse Community Meeting 2022, virtual
- Mahmood Shad, Ana Trisovic, Sonia Barbosa, Gustavo Durand, Katherine McNeill, Ceilyn Boyd, Robin Wendler, Julian Gautier, Tania Schlatter, Krista Valladares: FAIR Computational Workflow support in Dataverse
- 2022-01-10/–13: Semantic Web Infrastructures and Resources in Healthcare and Life Science (SWAT4LS), Leiden, The Netherlands
- 2021-11-03/–11: Research Data Alliance (RDA) 18th Plenary Meeting (virtual)
- 2021-12-07/–09: FORCE2021, FORCE11 annual conference (virtual)
- 2021-11-15: 16th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, SC21: The International Conference for High Performance Computing (Virtual)
- Carole Goble: FAIR Computational Workflows (keynote)
- 2021-10-24: DaMaLOS 2021 – 2nd Workshop on Data and research objects management for Linked Open Science, co-located with ISWC 2021
- Programme (proceedings to appear)
- 2021-06-16: GO FAIR US webinar: FAIR Workflows
- Carole Goble (2021): Towards FAIR Workflows
- Denis Yuen (2021): Dockstore and FAIR
- [Video recording]
- 2021-04-07: WorkflowsRI Workflows Community Summit: Advancing the State-of-the-art of Scientific Workflows Management Systems Research and Development
- 2021-03-30/2021-04-01: Collaboration Workshop CW21 – themes FAIR Research Software, Diversity and Inclusion, Software Sustainability
- 2021-01-13: WorkflowsRI Workflows Community Summit: Bringing the Scientific Workflows Community Together
- DaMaLOS 2020 – Workshop on Data and research objects management for Linked Open Science, co-located with ISWC
- 2020-11-30: FAIR Workflows workshop at International FAIR Convergence Symposium_, 2020-11-27 / 2020-12-04.
- 2020-09-12: Workshop on FAIR Computational Workflows, 19th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2020)
- Combined slide deck
- Video recording incl. talks:
- Carole Goble: Introducing FAIR Computational Workflows [slides]
- Sarah Cohen: A Review on the FAIR principles for computational workflows [slides]
- Mateusz Kuzak: Toward defining and implementing FAIR for research software [slides]
- Carole Goble: WorkflowHub and the Bioschemas profile [slides]
- Michael Crusoe: The Common Workflow Language and CWLProv
- Stian Soiland-Reyes: Packaging workflows with RO-Crate [slides]
- Simone Leo: Testing workflows: Life Monitor and OpenEBench [slides]
- Salvador Capella-Gutierrez: OpenEBench [slides]
- Björn Grüning: FAIR computational data analysis with Galaxy [slides]
- Alexander Peltzer: Nextflow & nf-core [slides]
- Carole Goble: Wrapup, FAIR for workflows [slides]
- 2019-09-24: Workshop on Research Objects (RO2019) at IEEE eScience 2019
- 2018-10-29: Workshop on Research Objects (RO2018) at IEEE eScience 2018.